Hobbes is like, practically done.

Seriously he is, he is at my mom’s house getting his stripes sewn on by my sister. The project required a lot of hand sewing and by the time I got to the stripes my wrist and shoulder were shot. So since it is supposed to be a joint birthday gift from both my sister and I, she agreed to hold on to him and finish up his stripes for me. She’ll send me a picture when he’s 100% done so I can get some closure on this blog.

But for now, have some more in progress pictures:

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Like I said all that needs to be done is his stripes so I did sew on and stuff his muzzle and eyes before I left, but I forgot to get a picture of it. He is really rough looking and I am kinda super embarrassed about it but then again I have never been good at making plushies. I made an elephant in high school for my textiles class and he looked like a scary ass demon.

Anyway my mom gave me $20 to make another one so eventually I’ll go for Hobbes 2.0 which will hopefully look a little less lumpy…